Learn more about us
Solid Foundations
Before founding Healing Hands Healing Hearts our CEO, Mahamadi Sawadogo, gained over a decade, fifteen years to be exact, of healthcare experience and in coordination with doctors, he has helped to heal thousands of patients. Mahamadi carries with him a deep compassion for others and he is passionate about helping others & helping the community. He will guarantee only the utmost treatment of all patients. He has made it a mission in his life to help as many people as possible.
Our Mission
With compassionate care tailored to each individual patient, we strive to create an unforgettable experience for you. Through a selective hiring process that allows only clinicians that align with our values to care for our patients, we guarantee a pleasant, wholesome experience. Our mission is to create a reliable community that will act as an auxiliary support system to all members and to assist in healing as many people as possible.
Our Values
Healing Hands Healing Hearts has a vision of success wherein we put the community first. We value our community and are dedicated to giving back to the community in more ways than just home health care; by organizing and participating in community events we are creating a strong community which may prove to be a solid support system for all members.
We deeply value compassion and understand that a little empathy and compassion can go a long way, so instead of just giving you a little we promise to give you tons of both and go to great lengths to improve your quality of life. Every single one of our patients are dear to us and we will treat them with the same love, respect, and quality of care as we would want our family to be treated with. We will walk-- better yet run-- as many miles as it takes to reach the end of your road to recovery with us.
We pride ourselves on our ability to communicate well. We will never leave you in the dark about anything, as long as you are with Healing Hands Healings Hearts, you can be sure that you will receive all relevant information as quickly as possible.